Troublesome Disguises cover

Painting by Titian. Venus at her ablutions. This novel is now available in audiobook, read by the author.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Crashing into the scenery? When you are writing it is quite common for all of us to feel a bit daunted by a particular scene we have to write- we wonder how we can manage to do it convincingly, or how we can do justice to it. Well, just crash right into it and do your best and then worry about it afterwords. Crash on into the next scene, quite often that will require you to make adjustments or additions to the scene you were worried about. Do not be put off by difficult scenes- push right in there and get your characters talking and acting. You own the place remember! When I came to describe the poor tenements down on the dockside at Worcester House in The Murder of Errors, I admit I felt daunted, but in the end I think those scenes pleased me (pleased?- I loved writing those scenes!), because I let my imagination dwell a little on the place, until I could see and touch and smell those rooms and passageways. I made sure I covered all the senses (as they taught us in school), and have more to say about that in another post!
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