Troublesome Disguises cover

Troublesome Disguises cover
Painting by Titian. Venus at her ablutions. This novel is now available in audiobook, read by the author.

Monday, 17 October 2011

My new Troublesome Disguises Audio Book - set in Elizabethan London and the Palace of Richmond at Christmas

Well, I've finally done it. I have finally finished recording my very first audiobook. Having written a few novels and had them published, with the wonderful people at Boson Books, I decided to try something on my own. So all year I've been writing the first three Francis Vallemont novels. These are whodunnits, set at the end of Elizabeth I's reign, and featuring my character, Francis Vallemont, the second son of a Devonshire Lord, who comes to London to train as a law student at the Inner Temple and then, through his friendship with Lord Howard, Lord High Admiral of the Fleet, with whom he served in the recent sea battle against the Spanish Armada, and his mysterious friendship with the ageing Queen, who knew his father, he is drawn into solving a series of murders over the Christmas festivities at Richmond Palace. The action then moves to London and finally the mystery is resolved at Richmond. This is a classic whodunnit in the Agatha Christie tradition.

I hope those of you who may enjoy the Tudor period in history, and particularly the late Elizabethan times, may like to try this first Francis Vallemont novel. It is called Troublesome Disguises. And, as I say, is currently available on disc in an 11 unabridged MP3 files audio book, to the public directly. I really don't know why more authors don't do this. maybe I'll start a trend. If you would like to hear a sample of the novel- and my voice- then please have a listen to the long extract I am going to post on my new blog.

And please pop back and I'll have more to say about the book and the sequels, two of which I've already written. I'm currently writing the fourth.

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